
Monday, September 14, 2020

Libertarian polls at 24% in Indiana governor's race

Polling Positions – Part Two | Abdul At Large, WIBC - Abdul-Hakim:

September 12, 2020 - "In the latest Indy Politics/Change Research poll of the Governor’s race, Eric Holcomb has lost ground and the main benefactor is Libertarian Donald Rainwater.

"In April, Holcomb was 20 points ahead of Dr. Woody Myers, the Democrat nominee. Now that number is down to 6 points, but oddly enough, picking up the slack is Libertarian Donald Rainwater. The breakdown was 36 percent Holcomb, 30 percent Myers, 24 percent Rainwater, and 10 percent undecided.

"Rainwater looks to be the candidate of choice here among Republicans disaffected with the mask mandate and Gov. Holcomb’s leadership during the pandemic: over a third of respondents who say they’re voting for Trump say they’d vote for Don Rainwater for Governor were the election today....

"The poll of 1033 lively voters was conducted by Change Research from September 3-7.  Change Research used its Dynamic Online Sampling to achieve a sample reflective of the likely November electorate. The margin of error as traditionally calculated at the 95% confidence level is 3.1%. Post-stratification was performed on age, gender, ethnicity, education, geography, and 2016 vote."

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  1. The local news won't even mention Libertarian candidate Donald Rainwater.
    Rainwater has my vote, as it goes way beyond the mask mandate initiated by Gov. Holcomb. The shut down of businesses for almost a year has forced small businesses to close their doors permanently. Donald Rainwater understands and supports not only the US Constitution by also the Constitution of the state of Indiana. He believes in individual freedoms and rights of all Hoosiers. He also plans to limit the powers of the Governor so that this overreach of power and exclusion of Indiana's assembly, the very people we elect to represent us.

    I would love nothing more than to see a Libertarian hold the office of Governor, and Donald Rainwater is the perfect man to do that.

  2. "The local news won't even mention Libertarian candidate Donald Rainwater." Bastards. Just like they wouldn't mention Gary Johnson until he asked what "ALEPPO" stood for.

    I think I should give Mr. Rainwater another story here, FWIW.

  3. When Holcomb and "First-of-all" Rainwater split the vote, don't blame anyone but yourself when we end up with Demoncrap Myers as our socialist dictatorial Governor.

  4. Recent poll after the Indiana Governor's debate (1st round) show Libertarian Donald Rainwater way ahead!

  5. vote rainwater...the repukes are traitors to the state...they have brought big corps here and those corps are hiring h1b visa workers and people from THE COASTS that are moving here....instead of hiring hoosier citizens.
