
Monday, October 19, 2020

More British Columbia Libertarian candidates

BC Libertarian Party has announced Craven as North Coast candidate for riding | The Northern View - K-J Millar:

October 5, 2020 - "Kitimat resident, Jody Craven has been announced as the British Columbia Libertarian Party candidate for the North Coast Riding MLA position in the upcoming Oct. 24 provincial election, the party announced in press release on Oct. 5. Issues that are listed in the press release as being important to Craven are solutions to provide more job security in the fishing industry and insurance for British Columbians.

"'The ICBC monopoly needs to go and we need to open the door for competition in auto insurance,' Craven said. 'As MLA, I’d also like to sit down with local fishermen and together come up with solutions to provide more job security in their industry.' Craven said blue collar jobs are very important to him and this region having worked for UNIFOR 2301 and Rio Tinto Alcan Inc. for the past 34 years.... Craven isn’t a stranger to political candidacy, having run in the 2019 federal election as a representative for the People’s Party of Canada." 

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Libertarian Party puts forward candidate in Cariboo-Chilcotin | BC Local News - staff: 

October 6, 2020 - "James Buckley feels it’s the right time to run for politics. Buckley, 43, has been declared the BC Libertarian candidate for the Cariboo-Chilcotin in the Oct. 24 election. It’s the first time his party has run a candidate in the riding and the first time Buckley has thrown his hat in the ring for a seat.

"Although he has always been interested in politics, the 100 Mile resident says it wasn’t until four years ago that he discovered the Libertarian party, which had similar views to his own.... He said the Libertarian Party is a 'people-oriented party. It’s all about freedom, lower taxes and having the right to decide what you want, as long as it’s not harmful to anyone else.'"

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BC VOTES 2020: A candidate guide for Port Moody-Coquitlam | Tri-City News:

October 17, 2020 - "Hi my name is Logan Smith. I grew up in Port Moody and Coquitlam. My mother worked at Royal Columbian Hospital as a cleaner and my father worked for Waste Management cleaning up the cities. I grew up with parents cleaning up this province and I wish to serve you by cleaning up the mess the governments’ of yesterday and today have made....

"The biggest issue the people of B.C. is to get back to normal and to be able to meet the economic challenges we are to face moving forward. This is to be done by getting government out of our lives....

"The BC Libertarian Party looks to get ride of the senseless regulation and taxes. Also work with municipalities to relaxes zoning bylaws.

"Our party’s number one issue is to get back to normal. We have seen a rise in overdoes deaths and suicides as a result of the lockdowns, with no plan on ending it. We will end the state of emergency and open this province with each individual playing their part in keeping them [safe] and the community as a whole safe."

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New Westminster Libertarian doing double duty in 2020 election campaign | New Westminster Record - Theresa McManus:

October 16, 2020 - "Don Wilson is doing double duty with the BC Libertarians. Wilson, who is the leader of the BC Libertarian Party, is also the party’s candidate in the New Westminster riding. He was elected as the party’s leader in 2018, after joining the party the year before.

"'The provincial election was only a couple months away and I was trying to find a political home. I was an odd political creature, fiscally conservative but socially liberal,' he said in a statement to the Record. 'I first encountered libertarian ideas in 2012 seeing Ron Paul's effort to become the Republican Nominee for U.S. president. He spoke against wars of aggression; he articulated a clearly defined role for government and preached a tolerance for others. His message resonated for me like a bell. It wasn't until I found the BC Libertarian Party in 2017 that made the connection between what Dr. Paul was saying and the libertarian political philosophy. I was hooked. I became a candidate right away and ran for president at the next annual general meeting in late 2017. The following year I was elected party leader, a post I have been honoured to hold since.”

"According to Wilson, the BC Libertarian Party, which is fielding 25 candidates in ridings across B.C., puts an emphasis on limited government, civil liberties and the protection of private property rights."

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