
Thursday, October 15, 2020

WHO estimates over 750 million caught COVID-19

 WHO: 10% of world's people may have been infected with virus | ABC News - Jamey Keaten, Associated Press:

October 5, 2020 - "The head of emergencies at the World Health Organization said Monday the agency's 'best estimates' indicate roughly 1 in 10 people worldwide may have been infected by the coronavirus — more than 20 times the number of confirmed cases — and warned of a difficult period ahead. Dr. Michael Ryan, speaking to a special session of the WHO’s 34-member executive board focusing on COVID-19, said the figures vary from urban to rural areas, and between different groups, but that ultimately it means 'the vast majority of the world remains at risk'.... 

"The estimate — which would amount to more than 760 million people based on a current world population of about 7.6 billion — far outstrips the number of confirmed cases as tallied by both the WHO and Johns Hopkins University, now more than 35 million worldwide. Experts have long said that the number of confirmed cases greatly undershoots the true figure.

"Ryan did not elaborate on the estimate. Dr. Margaret Harris, a WHO spokeswoman, said it was based on an average of antibody studies conducted around the world. She said the estimated 90 percent of people remaining without infection means the virus has 'opportunity' to spread further 'if we don't take action to stop it'." 

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WHO (Accidentally) Confirms Covid is No More Dangerous Than Flu | Global Research - Kit Knightly:

October 8, 2020 - "As much as the WHO were attempting to spin this as a bad thing – Dr Ryan even said it means 'the vast majority of the world remains at risk.' – it’s actually good news. And confirms, once more, that the virus is nothing like as deadly as ... predicted.

"The global population is roughly 7.8 billion people, if 10% have been infected that is 780 million cases. The global death toll currently attributed to Sars-Cov-2 infections is 1,061,539. That’s an infection fatality rate [IFR] of roughly ... 0.14%. Right in line with seasonal flu and the predictions of many experts from all around the world.

"0.14% is over 24 times LOWER than the WHO’s 'provisional figure' of 3.4% back in March. This figure was used in the models which were used to justify lockdowns and other draconian policies....

"None of the mainstream press picked up on this. Though many outlets reported Dr Ryan’s words, they all attempted to make it a scary headline and spread more panic. Apparently neither they, nor the WHO, were capable of doing the simple maths that shows us this is good news."

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[I rechecked Global Research's math, using the lower (by 200 million) world population estimate from the top story as the denominator, and got the same result: just under 0.14%. Using today's death figures, roughly 30,000 more since the article came out, as the numerator increases the IFR to 0.145%. - gd]

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