
Saturday, November 28, 2020

Backbench revolt against UK lockdown policy

Conservative lockdown sceptics launch Covid Recovery Group | Financial News - Emily Nicole:

November 12, 2020 - "A throng of Tory MPs have united to form a new steering group to fight future lockdown measures, after opposing the government on a second national lockdown earlier this month. Former chief whip Mark Harper is chairing the initiative, while former Brexit minister Steve Baker has taken on the role of deputy chair. Dozens of MPs have joined the group, including chair of the influential 1922 committee Sir Graham Brady, former trade minister Harriet Baldwin and Chris Green, who resigned his ministerial aide position in October in protest at the renewed lockdown rules.

"In its debut 11 November statement, the Covid Recovery Group argued that any further lockdown 'runs the risk of being worse than the disease'... It claimed new rules would cause missed NHS appointments and undiagnosed cancer treatments, as well as impacting job prospects and education. Baker said the purpose of the group was to avoid government policy being 'driven by panic', looking at the impact of restrictions from other perspectives besides health and the economy....

"The group echoed calls by the Treasury Committee for the government to undertake and publish a full cost-benefit analysis of restrictions on a regional basis, with the highest concern being on the number of non-coronavirus deaths caused by lack of treatment during lockdown periods. It also asked that expert groups be allowed to challenge the views of the government’s Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE), arguing that it should publish its data modelling so that the public can review the evidence behind its decisions."

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70 Tory MPs from ‘Covid recovery group’ send letter to PM threatening backbench revolt |The London Economic - Joe Mellor: 

November 22, 2020 - "Boris Johnson is facing the threat of a backbench revolt to his plans to move England into a tougher three-tiered system after the lockdown ends. Dozens of Conservative MPs have said they will not back such a move without extensive evidence.... Johnson will detail his 'winter Covid plan' to MPs on Monday, setting out the restrictions to replace the national lockdown on December 2 and how people can spend the festive period. Downing Street said more areas are expected to enter higher tiers next month and those tiers will be strengthened.... 

"On Saturday, the CRG [COVID Recovery Group] warned it 'cannot support' a tiered approach unless the Government produces a cost-benefit analysis showing the plans 'will save more lives than they cost'. The warning against measures inflicting 'huge health and economic costs' came in a letter to the Prime Minister, which sources close to the group said had been signed by 70 Conservative MPs...

"When the Commons voted on the current lockdown earlier this month, 32 Conservatives rebelled to oppose the measures and 17 more, including former prime minister Theresa May, abstained.

"Downing Street will hope an easing at Christmas, potential vaccines on the horizon and new scientific evidence will lessen the scale of a rebellion.... But the CRG letter said: 'We cannot live under such a series of damaging lockdowns and apparently arbitrary restrictions and expect our constituents to be grateful for being let out to enjoy the festive season only to have strict restrictions imposed on them afterwards that cause them health problems and destroy their livelihood.'

"Labour has so far been supportive of the need for restrictions to slow the spread of Covid-19 and a full-scale Commons defeat on the plan is unlikely."

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