
Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Canadian far-left activist arrested and denied bail

Deana Sherif, a serial protester for far-left causes in Canada with a history of violent and harassing behavior, has finally been arrested and charged (and denied bail) after she allegedly assaulted a police officer making an arrest. 

Canadian anti-Israel activist charged for assault during Ottawa protest | Jerusalem Post | Michael Starr: 

April 29, 2024 - "An Ottawa anti-Israel activist was arrested and charged with assault and hate-motivated harassment during an April 15 protest in the Canadian capital, local law enforcement announced on Saturday. Deana Sherif, 47, is alleged to have assaulted a person with a 'handheld sound amplifier' after the victim had walked near an anti-Israel demonstration and argued with her. Sherif used the device at a different location later in the day against another victim. Sherif allegedly verbally abused both victims, shouting 'hateful messages' at her target at the later event.

"In addition to charges for intimidation by disorderly following, possession of a weapon dangerous to the public, and two charges for assault with a weapon and hate-motivated harassment by threatening conduct, Sherif allegedly assaulted a police officer to prevent them from arrest. 'While police were attempting to effect a lawful arrest, the individual inserted herself into the situation, and in doing so, physically assaulted one of the officers,' said The Ottawa Police Service Hate and Bias Crime Unit and Central Criminal Investigation Section.

"Journalist Chris Dacey, who shared on X on Saturday that he has documented Sherif acting violently at such protests, said, 'It's well past time she faces consequences for her actions.'"

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Deana Sherif. Courtesy Caryma Sa'd / X / Western Standard.

Canadian social justice activist denied bail for assault, obstruction charges | Western Standard | Jonathan Bradley: 

April 29, 2024 - "Canadian social justice activist Deana Sherif will be facing accountability for aggressive actions after years of bothering conservatives. Sherif had been denied bail at a Sunday court appearance after being charged with offences such as assaulting a police officer, obstructing a peace officer, and assault with a weapon. The judge had imposed a publication ban to cover the reasons for the decision....

"Sherif had been brought before a virtual court for bail proceedings. About 120 people attended the court hearing. No one was allowed to record it.... 

"Sherif acts as a perpetual protestor, who attends demonstrations for various causes across Ontario. She has a history of violent and harassing behaviour, with limited police intervention to protect people. It is alleged she assaulted a police officer with the intent to prevent an arrest at an Ottawa protest on April 15 among other serious charges.... 

"While the ruling had been pushed off, the court appearance ended because of the abrupt display of pornography from an unknown participant." 

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1 comment:

  1. Nadir Siguencia
    Deana Sherif is a tireless social activist who, with the courage that characterizes her, has dedicated herself to denouncing the crimes committed by the government and its lapdogs. The photo speaks for itself, her face shows concern for her life. My question is for the cowards who try to convince the public that she is a dangerous activist. The frame of her body proves that she would be incapable of assaulting the government's hired killers. Today the rotten judicial system is denying bail. In the past, activists were locked up in psychiatric hospitals. With Overwhelming Evidence...And without fear
