
Tuesday, June 18, 2024

UK gov't restricts puberty blockers for minors

The British government has stopped the use of puberty blockers to transition under-18s within its National Health Service, and is now temporarily banning them for all prescribers.

Health service in England curtails puberty blockers for minors | CBC News:

March 13, 2024 - "Children in England will no longer be prescribed puberty blockers at gender identity clinics, according to the country's National Health Service (NHS). In a policy document released Tuesday, the NHS said that following a review of published research, 'we have concluded that there is not enough evidence to support the safety or clinical effectiveness of [puberty suppressing hormones] to make the treatment routinely available at this time.' 

"Under the new policy, puberty blockers for those under 18 will only be available as part of research studies. One such study is slated to begin by the end of 2024....

"According to a published report by BBC News, fewer than 100 young people in England are currently prescribed puberty blockers by the NHS. The report said they will all [be] able to continue their treatment.

"The blockers have become a contentious issue in Canada, the U.S. and Europe.... They've been banned for minors in several U.S. states. In Alberta, Premier Danielle Smith ... plans to introduce similar policies. Federal Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre has said he does not support trans kids under 18 taking puberty blockers. The Canadian Paediatric Society and Canadian Medical Association have both stated their support of gender-affirming care."

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UK Decision to Block Puberty Blockers for Minors Could Impact US | CBN News | March 19, 2024:

New restrictions on puberty blockers | | Department of Health and Social Care: 

May 29, 2024 -"The government has today introduced regulations to restrict the prescribing and supply of puberty-suppressing hormones, known as ‘puberty blockers’, to children and young people under 18 in England, Wales and Scotland. The emergency ban will last from 3 June to 3 September 2024.... During this period no new patients under 18 will be prescribed these medicines for the purposes of puberty suppression in those experiencing gender dysphoria or incongruence under the care of these prescribers.

"The NHS stopped the routine prescription of puberty blocker treatments to under-18s following the Cass Review into gender identity services. In addition, the government has also introduced indefinite restrictions to the prescribing of these medicines within NHS primary care in England, in line with NHS guidelines.... This action has been taken to address risks to patient safety.

"Patients already established on these medicines by a UK prescriber for these purposes can continue to access them. They will also remain available for patients receiving the drugs for other uses, from a UK-registered prescriber."

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