Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A Blast from the Past

Now that I've learned how to put jpegs into my column, by (1) saving them on my harddrive, then (2) uploading them to Picasa, then (3) copying them onto The Political Animal, and finally (4) embedding the url into the column, it occurs to me that I can put (2) and (3) to other uses as well. So here's a blast from the past: a picture of yours truly from 22 years ago. It's from the Libertarian Party of Canada, Toronto Region, meeting of June 1987, at which I ran for Toronto member of the Board of Directors. I lost to Dr. Clarke Slemon (who would also defeat me for Party Leader at the Ontario Libertarian Party convention that fall).


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Do you know by any chance where I can find a copy of the plicy paper on healthcare in Ontario that I wrote back then.

  3. I'll have a look, but I'm not optimistic. When we closed the office, leader Sam Apelbaum insisted we throw out most of the paper files rather than pay to move them; he went through the issue files himself, and threw them out himself. I've got a few, and I'll look; if I don't find it, I'll send an email to Jim McIntosh.

  4. JIm has a bound copy! If you can wait, he'd like to take it apart and scan it, to make a pdf. OTOH, if you need it asap, email me your email , and I'll send you his contact info so you can arrange that with him.

  5. My email is It's already on the blog, so I don't mind giving it publicly again.
