Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Is the Tea Party Over?

Is the Tea Party Over?, Nolan Chart
by George Dance (libertarian),  Monday, January 17, 2011

"All that saved the Tea Party from sharing the fate of the militias were poll numbers like the ones above. And all that caused those poll numbers was only the massive pushback by the Tea Party and its sympathizers against the anti-Party campaign: the very "rapid-response protestations of innocence" that Weiss sees as signs of the coming end. The very things that he considers fatal were probably all that saved it this time.

"And so once again the reports of the Tea Party's death are an exaggeration. However, who knows when the next such report will be filed. It should be forgotten that there are 'millions' (as Cohen puts it without exaggeration) who want the movement stopped, some of whom will balk at nothing.

"The movement was lucky this time: Had the assassin attended even one Tea Party rally or meeting, the Party could indeed be over by now. Even with that bit of luck, without the rapid response from Tea Partiers and their sympathizers, the movement still could have been fatally wounded."


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