Saturday, February 9, 2013

What is a functional Libertarian? - Jim Gray

It's a Gray Area: What is a functional Libertarian? - Daily Pilot - Jim Gray:

February 8, 2013 - "It's nice to be home again with the Daily Pilot. After my recent venture into national politics, I am looking forward to regaling you once again with weekly columns for at least the next year. During this time, the predominant theme will be to cite an issue that is troubling our country and show how a functional Libertarian would address and resolve it.

"So what is a Libertarian? In a word, Libertarians believe in liberty — hence our name. But far from the idea that "anything goes," Libertarians know that inherent in liberty and freedom is the requirement that people and entities at all levels of society must be responsible for their actions. So in its essence, a Libertarian believes that with only a few specifically defined exceptions, adults should be able to live their lives as they choose, as long as in so doing, they do not harm other people."

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