Sunday, September 29, 2013

Truckers Ride for the Constitution planning strike, DC protest October 11

EXCLUSIVE: Organizers Of Truckers’ March Reveal Plans For Massive Protest In DC | Ben Swann Truth In Media - Kristin Tate:

September 28, 2013 - "On October 11, the very people who keep America moving will use the day to stop traffic in the nation’s capital.... The “Truckers Ride For The Constitution” Facebook page says, 'The American people are sick and tired of the corruption that is destroying America! We therefore declare a GENERAL STRIKE on the weekend of October 11-13, 2013!'

"I spoke with Zeeda Andrews, one of the protests’ chief organizers.... Andrews helped put together the initial Facebook page to support truckers and draw attention to 'regulations that are unconstitutional'.

"According to Andrews, the Department of Transportation (DOT) is currently pushing a law that would require every trucker to have a tracking device in his or her vehicle.... The DOT is also trying to enforce idling laws, which prohibit truckers from idling unless they keep a pet inside their vehicle. These laws can be enforced using the tracking devices mentioned above. Andrews points out that idling restrictions become a health hazard when it’s 10 below zero out....

"Obamacare is also having a drastic negative impact on truckers, according to Andrews. Many trucking companies are reducing workers’ hours to under 30 per week because they cannot afford to provide full health coverage (which, under Obamacare, will be mandatory for all full time employees)."

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