Sunday, December 8, 2019

Six classic libertarian books

The Most Influential Libertarian Philosophers and Thinkers - The Libertarian Republic - Austin Petersen:

November 8, 2019 - "Libertarian thinkers focus on the rights of the individual.... They value the individual’s freedom of choice.... Below, we briefly introduce some of the most influential philosophers and thinkers who have shaped that way of thinking.

"David Boaz, a modern-day libertarian thinker, wrote [The Libertarian Mind] on the historical roots of libertarianism and he defines the basic philosophy of libertarianism in simple but deep terms. If a person is interested in finding out more about what the basic premise of the philosophy is they could start here.... The book is a thorough rendering of the basic economic and political thinking of this philosophy....

The Law written by Frenchman Frederic Bastiat, ... was written in 1850, and attacked the 'legal plunder' or government directed taking of property by force. Bastiat, says that the original meaning of the law was to protect our basic rights but when it turns into a forced redistribution of property it destroys its own objective.... This defeats the whole intent of the law....

"Robert Nozick ... said [in Anarchy, State and Utopia] that the individual has the right to govern themselves in fact they have the most radical set of rights.... Nozick was a very smart person [who] birthed the self-ownership concept....

"The Machinery of Freedom was written by David Friedman and ... describes different levels of libertarian thinking.... Classic [liberals] allow for government to tax some services but minimalists allow for government to only provide services such as law enforcement, courts, etc. Anarcho-capitalists ... want to abolish any form of government ... to replace government with private and voluntary services.... Friedman ... fully embraces this radical form of libertarianism....

"The granddaddy of Libertarian books [is] Second Treatise of Civil Government [sic].... John Locke wrote this legendary book on libertarian thinking which was instrumental in the founding of the United States.... He came up with a hypothetical country in which government is limited in the affairs of people and ... human rights are developed. The government is to protect the rights of the people.

"Gustave de Molinari was a[n]  ... early 20th century Belgian philosopher who exceeded his counterparts in thinking about the role government should play in [The Production of Security].... He is one of the most underrated philosophers of recent times ... ahead of his time in his thinking about libertarian philosophy."

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