Friday, February 18, 2022

What the Freedom Convoy wants (an open letter)

February 17, 2022 

Open Letter to our Premiers, and to our elected and appointed officials

End the mandates; end the vaccine passports. That's why we are here. 

We have given hope and power to freedom-loving Candians and beyond. People from arond the world are now standing with us and want their freedoms back. 

Today, February 17, 2022, we continue to inspire millions of Canadians to resolutely demand the return of their freedoms. We have furthermore become the model - the beacon of hope - for citizens across the globe. 

The government-imposed restrictions in the effort against the CoOVID-19 pandemic, which rescinded many of our liberties for our protection, have been worse than useless. For instance: families have become separated; children, who require intimacy and play for their educational and social development, are suffering the consequences of inhuman isolation; small business, especially the service industry, can no longer survive with limited capacities; mental health issues such as drug addiction, alcohol dependency, and suicide have increased several-fold.

The list of harms is too many to document here, and others will emerge with time. All we can do now is limit the damage you have done. 

The concept of 'freedom' here is not only an idea: we have materially felt its loss. Otherwise, we would not be in the streets. Many of us now have nothing to lose. This is out line in the sand. This is where we hold the line. 

Once we arrived in Ottawa, we experienced a truly Canadian gathering. The Sikh communities shared food with everyone. Dance parties were set up. Concerts with sea shanties were held. Children drew thank-you cards for truckers and handed roses to police officers in between playing street hockey, drinking hot chocolate, and jumping in bouncy castles.

We have heard Canadians far and wide. Here we communicate what has been conveyed to us. 

The message is clear: End the mandates; end the vaccine passports. That is why we are here. We are calling on all governments in Canada to restore the rights and freedoms of Canadians and set concrete limits so governments can't easily abuse our rights and infringe on our freedoms again. The message is as follows:

We call upon our governments to restore the rights and freedoms of all Canadians: 

  1. End all vaccine mandates.
  2. End federal, provincial, and municipal vaccine passports. 
  3. End all state-of-emergency declarations pertaining to out peaceful protests.
  4. Provide financial protection for the small businesses harmed by Covid restrictions. 
  5. Respect freedom of choice without discrimination.

Furthermore, Canadians want assurance that our governments will not make the same mistake again. We propose the following steps be taken to ensure this.

1. Supreme Court of Canada Review of Government Actions

We need to know whether our rights under the Charter mean anything. We call upon the Federal Government to initiate a Constitutional Reference to the Supreme Court of Canada about the constitutional validity of the Covid laws and restrictions.

2. Public inquiry of Government's Response to Covid

As a matter of national importance, Canadians call upon the Federal Government to appoint a fully independent and impartial public inquiry on the government's handling of Covid responses.

We need to know what went wrong - what caused governments to so easily trample our rights and freedoms and cause so much harm to our people and our nation. 

For the inquiry to be effective, the following conditions must be considered:

(a) the inquiry membrs are to be selected by an all-party parliamentary process;

(b) it must contain a thorough examination of the science, internal communications, policy responses, and the consequences. 


Social media:
Instagram: @realFreedomConvoy2022
Twitter: @rFreedomConvoy

Press Contacts:
Dagny Pawlak:
Benjamin Dichter:

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