Monday, January 9, 2012

Ron Paul’s relationship with press getting testy - The Washington Post

Ron Paul’s relationship with press getting testy - The Washington Post - Rachel Weiner, The Fix:

January 9, 2011 - "For months, Texas Rep. Ron Paul and his supporters complained about being ignored by the mainstream media despite his strong poll numbers in Iowa and New Hampshire. Now that the press is all over him, the iconoclastic candidate appears to be struggling with the onslaught of attention.
"On Monday morning, Paul cut off an interview with CNN’s Dana Bash while campaign manager Jesse Benton shouted at the journalist.

"'We have a very friendly relation with Ms. Bash and have a good history with her,' Benton told The Fix. 'Staff simply ended an interview today after a few questions so we could begin our event on time.'

"A few hours earlier, Paul left a diner in Manchester early, without answering questions. Reporters chased him to his car.

"The press 'created a mob-like atmosphere that was deemed to be unsafe,' Benton in a statement on the diner event. 'Mrs. Paul herself, attempting to campaign alongside her husband, was shoved aside by one reporter and told to "get out of the way".'"

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