Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Rangers shut down Tennessee park cleanup

Libertarians told to stop cleaning Shiloh National Military Park - Adam Friedman, Jackson Sun:

January 14, 2019 - "Members of the Libertarian Party in West Tennessee thought it would be nice to help clean up Shiloh National Military Park since most of the park's staff has been put on leave because of the partial government shutdown.

"But after less than 30 minutes of groundskeeping, they were told to leave.

"'Every other effort to clean up the national parks, from Washington, D.C., to Yosemite, has been fine," Tennessee Delta Region Libertarian Party Co-Leader Victoria Lee said. 'But when we went to Shiloh, we were told we were not allowed to clean up the park.'

"Lee, along with 25 other Libertarian Party members, and their families, went to Shiloh on Sunday to help clear off walking paths and rake leaves.

"The clean up at Shiloh is part of a nationwide initiative by the Libertarian Party to help clean up national parks around the country.

"'This is all in order to prove that volunteerism works,' Tennessee Delta Region Libertarian Party Co-Leader Marcus Baker said. 'Government isn't needed for everything; there are volunteers out there who can handle certain things. We all like keeping our national parks clean, simple as that.'

"A Shiloh National Military Park ranger can be heard saying in the video that he understands that the volunteers are trying to help but that volunteers can't clean up without a signed volunteer liability waiver.

"The Jackson Sun reached out to Shiloh National Park but has not received a response."

Read more: https://www.jacksonsun.com/story/news/local/2019/01/14/libertarians-told-stop-cleaning-shiloh-national-military-park/2570145002/
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