Thursday, October 17, 2024

BC Libertarians (4) Lewis Dahlby

Four candidates are carrying the Libertarian banner in British Columbia (B.C.) this election. Lewis Dahlby is running in Port Coquitlam. 

Lewis Clarke Dahlby |

Lewis Clarke Dahlby.

"Lewis Clarke Dahlby was born in Chilliwack B.C. in 1954. He’s married & lives in Port Coquitlam. He has 2 daughters, 28 & 31. He is a landlord & runs a Trucking & Excavating Business.

"Lewis first became a Libertarian in 1979 after watching a 10 part series by Milton Friedman called "Free to Choose". Soon after he tried to get approval to live in a 12 x 68 foot mobile home on his father's 15 acres in Coquitlam. He was denied but went ahead anyway because he believed nobody else should tell him what kind of home he can live in.

"Lewis decided to run for the B.C. Libertarian Party soon after it was formed in 1986. With the late Bill Tomlinson helping to get signatures Lewis just missed getting the nomination because of lack of signatures. 

"He then was able to run for the first time in 1988 as the Libertarian candidate for Mission Coquitlam. He has run about a dozen times federally and provincially since then. "

"Lewis believes democracy is a morally valid concept only if you have the consent of every single participant. He also believes that greater overall freedom leads to greater prosperity."

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Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Samidoun listed as terrorist group in US & Canada

Vancouver-based Samidoun, a charity which raises funds for Palestinian Arab prisoners, has been designated a terrorist entity by the U.S. Treasury and the Trudeau government. 

Canada lists pro-Palestinian group Samidoun as terrorist entity | CBC News

October 15, 2024 - "The government of Canada has designated the pro-Palestinian group Samidoun as a terrorist entity in a joint action with the U.S., both governments announced Tuesday. Samidoun, also known as the Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, has close links with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), both governments said in announcing the move. The PFLP is a listed terrorist entity in Canada, the U.S. and the European Union.

"'Violent extremism, acts of terrorism or terrorist financing have no place in Canadian society or abroad,' Public Safety Minister Dominic LeBlanc said in a news release. He added the listing 'sends a strong message that Canada will not tolerate this type of activity.' The U.S. Treasury Department ... said it's declaring Samidoun 'a sham charity' that serves as an international fundraiser for the PFLP. In a statement, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said the move is 'part of our joint work with the U.S. to expose terrorist activities and intercept their financing.'

"Last week, Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre urged the Canadian government to 'ban' Samidoun.... Poilievre's calls came on the heels of a Samidoun-organized protest in Vancouver on the one-year anniversary of Hamas's Oct. 7, 2023 attack on Israel.... In videos of the protest circulated online, an unidentified masked woman led a crowd of hundreds in chants of 'death to Canada, death to the United States and death to Israel,' while some in the group burned Canadian flags. CBC News has not independently verified the videos posted online of the rally, but a CBC journalist who passed by the rally said they clearly heard a speaker chant, "death to Canada, death to the United States."

"Earlier this year, Samidoun's international co-ordinator Charlotte Kates was arrested in a Vancouver hate-crime investigation after she praised the Oct. 7 attack as 'heroic and brave.' Samidoun also posted a statement that called the attack 'a legitimate military operation'....

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Samidoun listed as terrorist entity following flag burning, "death to Canada" chant at BC rally | Global News | October 15, 2024_

Was it the Western Standard's video that was a terrorist entity's undoing? | Western Standard | Nigel Hannaford

October 15, 2024 - "That the Government of Canada has declared the Samidoun organization a terrorist entity is welcome news. But one has to ask, what took them so long? And how did they pluck up the courage to do it? After all, it wasn’t exactly a secret that Vancouver-based Samidoun is an international fundraiser for the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. Along with a plethora of fist-raised anger articles, they’ve had it on their website for at least three years and as we pointed out on Monday, the PLF itself has been designated as a terrorist entity in Canada since 2003....

"It is hard to escape the conclusion that the Trudeau Liberals have until now had no wish to antagonize what they treat as a significant Muslim voting bloc. For example, while the Trudeau government doubtless regards the past year’s vicious antisemitic street demonstrations as regrettable, they have done little to condemn them and less yet to restrain them.... And, when the Liberals finally took action, they did so with it an air of regret, as though they were pushed into it... The Government of Canada statement in which Samidoun was officially listed, speaks of 'acting in concert with the US Treasury Deparment'. Ah there it is, the alibi. “Sorry, the Yanks made us do it'.... It was weak and cowardly and about eight days late....

"As for the voting bloc they're afraid of losing, the Liberals seem to forget that not every Canadian Muslim supports terrorism in general, or Hamas/Hezbollah in particular. Many came here to get away from that sort of thing. Not to put too fine a point on it then, as much as the Jews of Toronto have a legitimate claim on the government's protection, so do Canadian Muslims who are committed to this country and the hope-filled vision that drew them here....

"But here's the thing. How did this come to their attention? I have checked the news feeds. The first reports and the only pictures of these events came from a Western Standard reporter who enterprisingly (and not without some personal risk) got up close and started running his camera. The video evidence of Jarryd Jäeger may be examined here. And so far as we know, that's all there is from any news source.... "[I]f the CBC uses Western Standard video footage, it's likely that there was no other available. And frankly, given the national importance of the event and the consequences we now see — the banning of Samidoun — we're happy to be of assistance to the CBC. (And to the National Post and a dozen other outlets that picked up our story).... .So, a golden attaboy to Western Standard Vancouver reporter Jarryd Jäeger. It's not the first time that good reporting has led to prompt, effective actions out of government. Dedicated as we are to the public good, we don't intend it to be the last."

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Monday, October 14, 2024

No experts found to re-educate Jordan Peterson

Almost two years after ordering Dr. Jordan Peterson to undergo social media re-education, the College of Psychologists and Behaviour Analysts of Ontario has not been able to find a social media expert to re-educate him. 

Jordan Peterson: Alas, no re-educator to be found | National Post | Jordan Peterson:

October 11, 2024 - "It may amuse all of you who have become somewhat cynical in recent years to hear what has most lately become of my battle with the tyrants of compassion and masters of incompetence at the Ontario College of Psychologists and (more recently) Behaviour Analysts — a recent unnecessary change.... I have been scheduled for an indefinite course of professional education by appointees of that institution for expressing my opinions in a country that apparently no longer considers that acceptable for its professionals (depending, of course, on the opinions). I appealed that decision, to the highest court in the land — a legal entreaty that was rejected as of Aug. 27.

"A few days after that I sent in a request to the powers that be at the college, requesting, in all due humility, the names of the wizards or witches who stood at the ready to re-educate me:... I had been previously provided with a document that listed the 'social media experts' at the ready to perform their magical incantations on my recalcitrant psyche — despite the fact that there is no such profession as 'social media expert'.... One problem remained, and a serious one, indeed, practically speaking: the very lines in the document that contained the identifying information of the experts (names, email addresses, professional standing, and telephone numbers) had been redacted, no doubt to protect their fragile and hoping-to-be anonymous selves against the reactions of the legions of reactionary trolls I would unleash in my indefensible efforts to defend myself.

"A response was soon forthcoming, in written form: due to some (conveniently undescribed) administrative confusion, the names were presently unavailable. The good people at the college were, however — in their great benevolence and wisdom — willing to extend my three-month purgatorial period, perhaps indefinitely (?), while the necessary information was rounded up and provided. 

"A few weeks hence their lawyers contacted my lawyers and informed the latter and me that a settlement offer might be possible.... Their first offer was (get this — and I still can’t believe it): 'If Dr. Peterson agrees to resign, we would be willing to forego the legal costs the court ruled he owes us!' That was some two dozen thousands of dollars, a not inconsiderable sum (although a mere pittance in comparison to what their decade-long campaign of harassment and petty torment has cost me — some 25 times that amount in direct legal fees alone, an amount sufficient to bankrupt the typical target of their inquiry, particularly in combination with the devastation of professional income that all-too-often accompanies such inquisition. Thus, their opening gambit was based on the assumptions (1) that I could be bought and (2) that I could be bought cheaply....

"After we dispensed with that offer, ... the truth came so painfully out — and this is the main point of this missive: despite pursuing me for nearly 10 years; despite their endless public proclamations about their readiness to dispense justice upon me; despite their insistence of the mavens of the college that I was in desperate need of pretty much a comprehensive psychic restructuring and public shaming — despite my agreement, private and public, to go ahead with exactly that, in pillories and stock, accepting the tar and chicken feathers — there was not a single available 'social media expert' available at hand to take on the task!

"This could be a consequence of a direct warning I had made in a very public discussion about this matter with my daughter Mikhaila Fuller, posted on my YouTube channel, where I said (with all due and genuine concern for my hypothetical teacher) something approximating: 'Don’t take the job! I will make EVERY BIT OF IT public, and in the most broadly distributed sort of way! Millions of people are hungry to watch me be re-educated, friend and foe alike, popcorn in hand, eating up both the scandal and the snack. In consequence, the life of whomsoever is narcissistic, clueless or ideologically-addled enough to take on the task will never be the same!' I don’t know, of course, if it was that specific warning that did the trick.... 

"So, that’s where we stand, Canadians.... I will sign off, finally, with this.

"I made the college a fair offer, very publicly.... There was no evidence whatsoever in the consequent approach of the college negotiators to me that they had considered anything I had written.... This is yet more evidence, if evidence is needed, of their essential bad faith and intransigent, punitive, self-righteous bureaucratic stubbornness and blindness. They approached me, instead, with the ultimate in foolishness, compounding their errors.... Then they admitted that they did not have the wherewithal or the ability to undertake administering the very re-education process they have so publicly and continually demanded I submit myself to. God only knows how it will all end. But it certainly appears, as of the current moment, that the much-vaunted and much-moralized-publicly-about re-education efforts of the Ontario College of Psychologists and Behaviour Analysts have been brought to a shuddering and shameful halt, not least because of the utter indefensibility of their own position."

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Reaction to Supreme Court of Canada Ruling and Mandated Re-Education | Jordan B Peterson | August 9, 2024:

Sunday, October 13, 2024

A perfect storm against free speech

Would-be censors are not even pretending to be in favor of free speech anymore. 

Cut the Truth Out of Our Heads | Brownstone Institute | Jeffrey A. Tucker:

October 13, 2024 - "The censors are losing patience. They have gone from regretting the existence of free speech and gaming the system as best they can to fantasizing about ending it through criminal penalties. You can observe this change in temperament – from frustration to fury to calling for violent solutions – over the last several weeks. And it serves as a reminder: censorship was never the end point. It was always about controlling society’s 'cognitive infrastructure,' which is how we think.... 

"This week, Fox reporter Peter Doocy was sparring with the White House spokesperson over whether FEMA is funding migrants even as it cannot help American storm survivors. She immediately shot back and called this 'disinformation.' Peter wanted to know what part of his question qualified. Jean-Pierre said it was the whole context of the question and otherwise never said. It was clear to anyone who was watching that the term 'disinformation' means to her nothing other than a premise or fact that is unwelcome and needs to be shut down. This messaging has been further reinforced by a Harris/Walz ad blaming unnamed 'misinformation' from Trump for exacerbating hurricane suffering following Hurricane Helene. 

"This exchange came only days after Hillary Clinton suggested criminal penalties for disinformation, else 'they will lose total control.' It’s an odd plural pronoun because, presumably, she is not in control ... unless she regards herself as a proxy for an entire class of rulers. 

"Meanwhile, former presidential candidate John Kerry said the existence of free speech is making government impossible. Kamala Harris herself has sworn to 'hold social media accountable' for the 'hate infiltrating their platforms.' And well-connected physician Peter Hotez is calling for Homeland Security and NATO to put an end to debates over vaccines

"You can detect the fury in all their voices, almost as if every post on X or video on Rumble is causing them to lose their minds, to the point that they are just saying it out loud: 'Make them stop.' 

"Hurricane Milton seems to have caused the censors to flip out in a violent rage, as people wondered whether and to what extent the government might have something to do with manipulating the weather for political reasons. A writer in the Atlantic explodes: 'I’m running out of ways to explain how bad this is. What’s happening in America today is something darker than a misinformation crisis,' while decrying 'outright conspiracy theorizing and utter nonsense racking up millions of views across the internet.' Catch that? It’s the viewing itself that is the problem, as if people do not have the capacity to think for themselves. 

"The old meme of the man staying up late typing because 'someone is wrong on the Internet' applies now to an entire swath of the ruling class. They want freedom out and the stakeholders in control, somehow forcing the whole of the digital age into a version of 1970s television with three channels and 1-800 numbers. The Biden administration even refounded the Internet, replacing the Declaration of Freedom with a new Declaration of the Future....

"So far we’ve only experienced a relatively low-grade version of this compared with what they really want. YouTube accounts have been demonetized and deleted. Facebook posts have been throttled and banned. LinkedIn’s algorithms punish posts that take issue with regime narratives. This has not slowed down in light of litigation but rather continued and intensified. 

"The goal is to close up the Internet. They would have done it by now if it were not for the First Amendment, which stands in their way. For now, they will continue to work through university cutouts, third-party providers, phony baloney fact-checkers, pressure on tech firms that provide government services at a price, and other mechanisms to achieve indirectly what they cannot do directly just yet. 

"Among the strategies is the political persecution of dissenters. Alex Jones is a bellwether here and his company is being bankrupted. Steve Bannon, the philosopher king of MAGA, has been in jail for the entire election season for having defied a Congressional subpoena on the advice of counsel. The protestors on January 6 have been in prison not for damages caused or trespassing but for landing on the wrong side of the regime. 

"Most of us had an intuition that the Covid vaccine mandates themselves were not entirely about health but rather a tactic of exclusion of those who were not fully trusting of authority. This was rather obvious when it came to the military and the medical profession but less apparent within academia where noncompliant students and professors were effectively purged for their refusal to risk their lives for pharma. 

"There was an element of malice, too, in the mask mandates. Even though there was zero scientific evidence that a Chinese-made synthetic cloth worn on the face can change epidemiological dynamics, they did serve well as a visible sign to separate believers from unbelievers, and also as a sadistic means of reminding individualists of who is really running the show. 

"The final means of censorship is violence against person and property, while the end is to control what you think in service of one-party rule. Major tech companies and major media are wholly complicit in bringing this about. Only a handful of services are stopping this and they are all being targeted by the regime through myriad forms of lawfare.... 

"[I]t’s the liar more than anyone who has reason to fear free speech."

Published under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
For reprints, please set the canonical link back to the original Brownstone Institute Article and Author.

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Saturday, October 12, 2024

Canada's PBO: carbon tax costs exceed rebates

A new report from the Parliamentary Budget Officer (PBO) says that Canada's carbon tax is costing Canadian households more on average than they receive in rebates.

Canadians get less in carbon tax rebates than they pay out: PBO report | True North | Quinn Patrick, True North Wire:

October 11, 2024 - "The latest report from the Parliamentary Budget Officer reaffirmed that Canadian households are paying out more than they receive back in rebates, despite repeated claims from the Liberals to the contrary. This has led the Canadian Taxpayers Federation and the Conservatives to call for the Trudeau government to finally scrap the federal carbon tax.... 

"'Our "fiscal impact only" estimates of household net cost include the federal fuel charge paid directly and indirectly, as well as the related Goods and Services Tax (GST) paid, less the Canada Carbon Rebate received,' reads the report. 'The average household in each of the backstop provinces will see a net cost, paying more in the federal fuel charge and GST, as well as receiving lower incomes (due to the fuel charge), compared to the Canada Carbon Rebate they receive,' the report continued. 

"According to Parliamentary Budget Officer Yves Giroux, although 'Canada’s own emissions are not large enough to materially impact climate change,' Canadians will still have to fork over an additional $399 on average above the amount received in rebates. 

Table courtesy Western Standard.

"That figure does not include the GST that’s tacked on top of the carbon tax, which the PBO report estimates will cost taxpayers $400 million alone this year.... 

“'It’s simply not credible to believe the government can impose a carbon tax, skim some money off the top, charge its sales tax on top of the carbon tax and then make families better off,' said Franco Terrazzano, federal director of the CTF. 'Prime Minister Justin Trudeau should take this PBO report as a wake-up call and scrap the carbon tax'.... 

"The Conservatives released a statement on Thursday claiming that the report confirms what they have been saying for some time, that the carbon tax is 'nothing more than an expensive scam.'

"'[T]he PBO confirmed that the NDP-Liberal tax will cost the average person $652 in Newfoundland and Labrador, $575 in PEI, $580 in Nova Scotia, $457 in New Brunswick, $903 in Ontario, $693 in Manitoba, $894 in Saskatchewan, and $697 in Alberta. Despite what Justin Trudeau says, it is indisputable that the carbon tax makes most Canadians poorer,' reads the Conservative’s statement.... 

"The carbon tax was last increased on April 1 by 23%, however, the Liberals have laid out plans to continue hiking the tax through to 2030 until it quadruples the current amount. The government’s justification for the carbon tax and its hikes has always been that Canadians are receiving a net benefit from rebates, however, the report contradicts this claim." 

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PBO says rebate cheques don't cover full impact of carbon tax | Franco Terrazzano-CTF | Bridge City News | Oct 10, 2024:

Friday, October 11, 2024

Parks Canada denied firefighters entry to Jasper

A parliamentary committee was told this week that private firefighters who had driven to Jasper National Park to fight the July wildfire were turned away by Parks Canada.

Properties engulfed in fire in Jasper, July 27, 2024. Radio Canada.

Parks Canada firefighting coordination decisions 'need to be made a lot quicker': fire services contractor | CTV News | Jeremy Thompson & Craig Ellingson:

October 8, 2024 - "A private firefighting service provider says crews contracted to work to protect buildings in and around the town of Jasper during July's wildfire emergency were denied entry to the national park for most of a day. Kris Liivam, the president of Arctic Fire Safety Services, says unclear communication from emergency managers hampered efforts by his crews, who thought they had written permission to enter the national park on July 25, the day after a powerful wildfire destroyed a third of the townsite but with the fire risk still high despite heavy rain.

"At the time, a small Arctic Fire Safety Services crew was already in Jasper, under contract to provincial Alberta Wildfire, working to protect the town. Meanwhile, in Hinton, more of Liivan's team was trying to enter the park -- more than a dozen trucks and about 50 firefighters who had been hired to protect specific properties including Marmot Basin, the Jasper Sky Tram and several hotels.

"'We thought we had everything in place, for permission to go in,' Liivan told CTV News Edmonton on Tuesday. 'Once we got to the first RCMP stop, we were denied entry and we had to turn around and head back to Hinton.'

"Liivam recently voiced his frustrations to a parliamentary committee looking into the Jasper wildfire, telling it his crews 'encountered numerous examples of Parks Canada fire management actively obstructing our activities and not providing us with relevant information on the fire.'

"A Parks Canada spokesperson says ... [that] 'they were eventually allowed in with specific instructions, and helped to fight the fire, which could have had far worse consequences without this swift and effective handling.'"

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Shocking new Jasper wildfire revelations put blame on Parks Canada | True North | October 10, 2024:

How the tragic Jasper wildfire turned into just another political weapon | Calgary Herald | Don Braid: 

October 8, 2024 - "The great Jasper wildfire of July and August simmers on.... Over two weeks, MPs have been sniping at each other in meetings of a parliamentary committee on environment and sustainable development....

"Throughout, federal Environment and Climate Change Minister Steven Guilbeault [has] claimed that Ottawa could not have done better either before or during the fire. At any suggestion that Ottawa was lacking, he trotted out climate change as the true culprit. It was clear more than once that a big ugly fire in Alberta is a great boost for his climate agenda. Focusing on climate also turned minds away from serious questions about Ottawa’s performance as the power in charge of both prevention and firefighting. 

"For instance, why was a convoy of firefighters with 20 trucks turned away from the park gate like tourists who can’t afford a pass? That actually happened. Private firefighter Kristopher Liivam testified that his crew wasn’t there on spec. There had been discussions with officials. They clearly understood they would be admitted. But Parks Canada turned firefighters away from a fire. That was three days after the fire began, just as things were getting really dangerous.

"Alberta deputy premier Mike Ellis, who spoke to the hearing, said in an interview Tuesday that he was 'very concerned' to hear about the episode. 'Certainly, our position would be that we wouldn’t be turning away anybody' if Alberta had been part of joint command.... Denied any authority, Alberta needed federal permission to bring in helicopters, water bombers, surveillance drones, bulldozers and other equipment. The refusal to grant joint command was both bizarre and churlish."

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Thursday, October 10, 2024

Majority opposes Trudeau's EV mandate

An Ipsos survey finds that a majority of Canadians oppose the Trudeau government's plan to ban the sale of new non-electric vehicles,  while two-thirds say that its 2035 deadline is unrealistic. 

Poll finds most Canadians oppose feds’ plan to ban conventional vehicle sales | Western Standard | Jonathan Bradley:

October 5, 2024 - "More than half of Canadians are against the federal government’s proposal to force all new vehicles sold in Canada be electric by 2035, according to a poll conducted by Ipsos on behalf of the Montreal Economic Institute (MEI).... Ipsos found 55% of Canadians disagree with the federal government’s decision to ban the sale of conventional vehicles by 2035. In every region surveyed, it said a larger number of respondents were against the ban than in favour of it.

"Among Canadians who do not own an EV, fewer than one-quarter said their next vehicle would be electric. Key reasons cited for this lukewarm attitude included the high cost of EVs (70%), the lack of charging infrastructure (66%), and their reduced performance in Canada’s cold climate (64%). 

"Across Canada, Ipsos said 26% of Canadians believe the federal government’s plan to ban the sale of conventional vehicles is realistic. Meanwhile, it said two-thirds maintain the plan is unrealistic....

"It [also] found Canadians were troubled by the effects federal legislation has caused in stalling or cancelling energy projects. Additionally, it said seven-tenths were concerned by the negative impact on Canadian jobs arising from the cancellation of tens of billions of dollars in energy projects due to regulatory hurdles. Seventy-six percent said the Canadian government’s environmental impact assessment process takes too long. Nine percent had the opposite view."

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Trudeau's EV mandate will break the bank | Western Standard | Kris Sims:

August 1, 2024 = "Trudeau’s forced EV mandate will cost a shocking amount of money for taxpayers, and Canada doesn’t have the juice to power these electric vehicles. And, this plan is a non-starter for two key reasons:

"First, let’s look at the costs. Various levels of government have pledged about $57 billion to car companies that are pledging to make EVs, including billions for Volkswagen and Honda. That’s the corporate welfare cost, with governments pouring taxpayers’ money onto the boardroom tables in Berlin and Tokyo.

"Then there’s the sticker price on the EVs in the lots.... The cheapest new electric car in Canada sells for about $41,000, with a vehicle like a Nissan Leaf eligible for a $5,000 rebate from the feds. Last year, Canadians bought about 1.7 million new vehicles.... If those vehicles were all EVs, the cost of the rebates would be about $8 billion. With the cheapest new gasoline-powered sedan selling for about $21,000, and with no rebate costs to taxpayers, there’s a big price difference for both the person buying the car and taxpayers.

"What about power bills? The average Canadian home uses about 10,861 kWh in electricity per year. The average electric car uses about 4,310 kWh of energy per year, according to EVBox, a company that produces electric vehicle chargers. The average family’s electricity use would jump by about 40 per cent if they had one EV and charged it at home. 

"Where is the electricity for these EVs coming from? Calculations done in British Columbia show if everyone switched to an electric car in B.C., the province would need about nine new Site C Dams.... Creating nine new Site C Dams tomorrow would cost about $144 billion.... Alberta is home to about three million vehicles, and if they were all electric, that ... province would require about three nuclear plants to charge those vehicles. Who’s paying that tab? Taxpayers? Folks opening their power bills?... Today, record numbers of working families across Canada are visiting food banks and about half of Canadians are within $200 every month of not being able to make the minimum payments on their bills. They can’t afford higher power bills."

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