Thursday, February 27, 2014

Future looks bright thanks to Students for Liberty

John Stossel: Future of libertarianism bright, thanks to Students for Liberty | New Hampshire Columns - Manchester Union Leader:

February 20, 2014 - "Recently, some 1,500 students from all over the world gathered to discuss freedom at the Students for Liberty Conference in Washington, D.C.

"Economist Donald Boudreaux showed the students a department store catalog from 1958 to underscore how the free market, while contributing to income inequality, also dramatically improved the lives of the poor: 'The typical American worker back then had to work 30 hours to buy this vacuum cleaner. Today, a worker has to work only six hours to buy a much better vacuum cleaner. And that's true for clothing, food, all sorts of things.'

"That's how free markets work: quietly, gradually improving things....

"If there were a part of America for which the American students at this conference felt a special pride, it was the Constitution. 'The Constitution of the United States is a promise about how government power will be used, Timothy Sandefur, author of The Conscience of the Constitution, told them. 'A promise was left to us by a generation who lived under tyrannical government and decided they needed a framework that would preserve the blessings of liberty.'

"These students appreciated that inheritance, although they said the Constitution is rarely discussed at their schools."

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