Saturday, July 11, 2020

Pay Covid survivors for plasma, ethicist proposes

EU raises its bet on blood plasma in search for Covid-19 treatment |
July 7, 2020 - "The European Union wants to fast-track funding to treat Covid-19 patients with blood plasma collected from survivors ... in a sign of the bloc’s growing confidence in the experimental treatment.... Since the beginning of the pandemic, medics across the world have been transfusing convalescent plasma into critically ill Covid-19 patients, often with positive results, although its efficacy is still under investigation.
  • People who survive an infectious disease like Covid-19 are left with blood plasma containing antibodies, or proteins made by the body’s immune system to fight off a virus, that can be transfused into newly infected patients to try to aid recovery.
  • Plasma, which is the liquid component of blood, is also being tested by public authorities and companies to develop medicines against Covid-19, such as hyperimmune globulins.
  • Separate research is under way on its possible use to prevent Covid-19 infections, as antibodies extracted from it could be transfused to boost immunity defenses of vulnerable people. That could be particularly important in the absence of a vaccine.
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Bloody Well Pay Them: The Case for Voluntary Remunerated Plasma Collections | Niskanen Center:
June 14, 2020 - "Transfusing the blood plasma of those who have recovered from Covid-19, called convalescent plasma, appears to help against the novel coronavirus. Multiple trials are now underway around the world, with the U.S. Government supporting a national program to collect and provide convalescent plasma to patients in need across the country.

"The rest of the world must take similar action. A new paper, authored by Georgetown University professor Dr Peter Jaworski, argues this World Blood Donor Day (14th June) that it’s time for donors in other countries to be paid for donating blood plasma to ensure a healthy supply. New uses for plasma therapies, and a reduction in plasma donations during the crisis, will put additional strain on what is already a strained global supply, the report outlines....

"There is now not a single jurisdiction anywhere in the world that meets its needs exclusively based on non-remunerated plasma collections.... The report argues that the UK, Canada, New Zealand, and Australia should follow many European countries and the USA in withdrawing prohibitions on voluntary remunerated plasma collections. These developed, English speaking democracies would ensure a domestic security of supply and free themselves from over-reliance on the United States or EU-only schemes....

"Voluntary Remunerated Plasma Collections are the only evidence-based path towards a safe, secure, and sufficient supply of plasma. Relying on non-remunerated donations ... is a threat to patients, and a risk to their supply of plasma therapies. The UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand are a drain on the global supply of plasma. The only way we can finally begin to contribute to the global supply of plasma is to permit Voluntary Remunerated Plasma Collections at home.”
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