Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Toronto police, protestors oppose vax mandates

Toronto Police Association against mandatory COVID-19 vaccination for members | Lawyers Daily - Amanda Jerome: 
August 25, 2021 - "In response to the Toronto Police Service’s (TPS) announcement on Aug. 24 to make COVID-19 vaccination mandatory for all its members, the Toronto Police Association (TPA) declared its opposition....

“'We understand this is an initial announcement without any policy documentation, procedure, or routine order in place,' said Jon Reid, president of the TPA, in a statement. Reid said the announcement, 'however preliminary, is missing critical details that are central to understanding the impacts, timelines, or potentially alternative options available to our members.'

"He stressed that the TPA 'must make every effort to protect all of our members and therefore, does not support this mandatory vaccination announcement or mandatory disclosure.'"
Read more: https://www.thelawyersdaily.ca/articles/29269/toronto-police-association-against-mandatory-covid-19-vaccination-for-members

Protesters against COVID-19 vaccine mandates say they're pro-freedom, 'not anti-vax' | CBC News - Philip Lee-Shanok:
September 3, 2021 - "As more provinces introduce proof-of-vaccination certificates, protests ramped up against public health restrictions and COVID-19 vaccine mandates this week in cities across Canada... 

At a rally in Toronto on Thursday, protesters called it an infringement on their freedom of movement to require proof of COVID-19 vaccination to access places like restaurants, movie theatres and gyms. (Other indoor places, such as schools, grocery stores and places of worship are not included in the provincial vaccine mandates.) Hundreds of people gathered outside police headquarters to demonstrate in support of the Toronto Police Association's opposition to mandatory COVID-19 vaccination as a condition of employment, which the police service announced last week....

"While some at the rally were opposed to vaccines in general, those who spoke to CBC News said their concerns are more about the erosion of personal freedom — and what they see as excessive government control — than the COVID-19 vaccines themselves. They spoke about their 'natural and legal' right to refuse a mandatory vaccine and that requiring vaccine proof would create a two-tier society."

Read more: https://www.cbc.ca/news/health/protesters-covid-vaccine-mandates-infringe-freedoms-1.6164308

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