Sunday, February 6, 2022

Freedom Convoy 2022 needs an end game

MORGAN: Truckers convoy needs an end game | Western Standard - Cory Morgan: 

February 1, 2022 - "The Truckers for Freedom convoy made headlines around the world and inspired similar actions from as far away as Australia and Bolivia. The movement has already been a success as it demonstrated the number of Canadians becoming fed up with COVID-19 restrictions is growing and represents a sizable number of citizens. Decision makers may deny it, but the protests will be influencing their policy choices in days to come. The convoy also exposed the rotten underbelly of Canada’s legacy media establishment as slanted coverage repulsed Canadians and even Americans.... 

"Polls indicate a majority of Canadians support ending pandemic restrictions and provinces such as Saskatchewan are doing just that. Even Quebec has backed off on its plan to try to tax unvaccinated people, ostensibly to offset health care costs. Support for freedom and ending pandemic mandates is growing. The Truckers for Freedom protesters have great forward momentum right now, but they have reached a critical point in their protest. They need to start planning an end game involving reasonable goals or they will quickly lose public support and the ground they have gained.... 

"The only formal demands from the leadership of the Truckers for Freedom convoy that can be found right now are an absurd 'memorandum of understanding' calling for the governor-general and/or the Canadian senate to intervene and remove Prime Minister Justin Trudeau from power. OK kids, not only is that based on an incorrect interpretation of how our parliamentary democracy works, it would never happen even if it was politically possible.... If there are other demands out there, the convoy organizers need to compile them and do a formal press release. I am as aware as anybody how rotten the mainstream press is, but if demonstrators don’t get their point of view out there, the narrative will be taken over on their behalf.

"The convoy can demand an end to all federal restrictions. That’s within the power of the government and many don’t see that as being an unreasonable request. Again, though, it has to be done realistically and they have to look reasonable when demanding it.... The government can’t and won’t let itself appear to completely cave to a protest. Just won’t happen. They may start discussions on timelines or incremental policies to rescind. If the government refuses to even discuss those considerations, the convoy protesters look like the reasonable party in this issue and will maintain public support.

"The Trudeau Liberals are looking unreasonable here.... Their insults and vilification of the protests are only making them look worse. If they continue to look intractable on the entire issue, they can be painted as the group prolonging the protests. Protests are a battle to win public support. People will favour a group that appears to be rational and controlled. They will quickly turn on a group that appears unreasonable.

"Time will become the enemy of the Truckers for Freedom protest as well. The longer they remain entrenched, the more likely it will be for somebody to do something stupid. An eager mainstream media is waiting to pounce on any violent or hateful actions in order to try and paint the entire protest as being that way. While the vast majority of the protesters are good people, there will always be some nuts in the mix..... 

"What we have now is a standoff. The government is not eager for scenes of police arresting demonstrators and trucks being towed. They can’t let Ottawa remain choked by these trucks interminably either. The convoy is holding some cards here and can make some gains. If the convoy loses enough public support, rest assured the Liberal government will feel emboldened to move in with force and it will be ugly. Nobody will win in that scenario....

"The convoy can remain unreasonable and stubborn. They can lose public support as time passes and can end with an ignoble eviction from Parliament Hill eventually. This will have the effect of setting back future grassroots citizens’ actions.... The demonstrators need a plan and an end game or the power will be stripped from them eventually." 

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