Monday, January 23, 2023

~30,000 in USA killed by ventilators in Apr. 2020

An Estimated 30,000 Americans Were Killed by Ventilators & Iatrogenesis in April 2020 | Substack - Michael P Senger, The New Normal:

October 5, 2022- "To date, we still don’t have especially good studies on the actual causes of excess deaths by state and country when the world first went into lockdown in spring 2020. For political reasons, these deaths were all generally been lumped together as 'Covid deaths,' but this coding was appallingly sloppy. According to the World Health Organization’s [WHO] initial coding guidance, if a decedent had either tested positive ... using a PCR test ... or been in contact with anyone who had within several weeks prior to their death, then the death should be classified as a 'Covid death'....

"Thus, this article reexamines data from the US CDC on all-cause excess deaths by state during peak lockdown in April 2020 using the information we now know to determine what actually caused them. This examination concludes that, contrary to popular belief, there was no uniquely deadly strain or variant emanating out of New York in spring 2020; this is clear from the fact that several states close to New York such as Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine experienced little to no excess deaths during that time period. On the contrary, over 30,000 Americans appear to have been killed by mechanical ventilators or other forms of medical iatrogenesis throughout April 2020, primarily in the area around New York.

"This result is not altogether surprising, as subsequent studies revealed a 97.2% mortality rate among those over age 65 who were put on mechanical ventilators in accordance with the initial guidance from the WHO — as opposed to a 26.6% mortality rate among those over age 65 who weren’t put on mechanical ventilators — before a grassroots campaign put a stop to the practice by the beginning of May 2020. As one doctor later told the Wall Street Journal, 'We were intubating sick patients very early. Not for the patients’ benefit, but in order to control the epidemic'…... 

"The ... area around New York experienced a particular hysteria for the use of mechanical ventilators in spring 2020 to an extent that other states did not.... [W]e can get a sense for the level of this hysteria from the hundreds of headlines advocating mechanical ventilators that sprung up around that time. "For example, Google yields hundreds of results for the query 'New York mechanical ventilators 2020.' A sample of the hundreds of headlines are ones such as: 'NY may need 24,000 more ventilators to fight COVID-19. Here’s how it could get them,' 'Which coronavirus patients will get life-saving ventilators? Guidelines show how hospitals in NYC, US will decide,' 'New York City Needs 400 Ventilators by Sunday, de Blasio Says,' 'Amid Ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic, Governor Cuomo Announces 1,000 Ventilators Donated to New York State,' 'A New York hospital is treating two patients on a device intended for one.” Likewise, Google yields hundreds of results for the query 'New Jersey mechanical ventilators 2020'.... This phenomenon was not nearly as pronounced in other states.....

"Given we now know that patients over age 65 were more than 26 times as likely to survive if they were not placed on mechanical ventilators, it’s not hard to see how this hysteria for mechanical ventilators in the New York area accounted for the particularly high excess death rates in that region. Additionally, because the neighboring states of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine experienced little to no excess deaths during this time period, the overuse of mechanical ventilators and other medical iatrogenesis in spring 2020 provides a far more robust explanation for the particularly high rates of excess deaths in the New York area than does a particularly deadly strain or variant.

"So just how many people were killed by the overuse of mechanical ventilators and other iatrogenesis in spring 2020?... [W]e can form a conservative estimate based on the data above by using the percentage of excess deaths in a comparable state that did not experience as much ventilator hysteria.... 

"Michigan also experienced a high percentage of excess deaths per capita in April 2020. Michigan is even colder than New York and New Jersey in terms of its climate, and its low-income urban centers are even more dense, both of which were primary factors correlating with excess deaths in spring 2020. Like New York and New Jersey, Michigan also had a strict lockdown at that time. However, Michigan did not experience nearly the same level of hysteria for mechanical ventilators as did the New York area, and Michigan’s rate of excess deaths, while high, was more in line with that of other states. Thus, we can assume that if New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Massachusetts had not engaged in ventilator hysteria, then their percentages of excess deaths per capita would have been more similar to that of Michigan....

"By subtracting the number of excess deaths that each state would have experienced if their excess death rate had been the same as that of Michigan from the number of excess deaths they actually experienced each week, we can see that in total, during April 2020, approximately 17,289 deaths in New York City, 7,347 deaths in New Jersey, 803 deaths in Massachusetts, 788 deaths in Connecticut, and 3,725 deaths in New York outside New York City were attributable to the overuse of mechanical ventilators or other iatrogenesis. All told, this data indicates that some 30,000 patients in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Massachusetts were killed by mechanical ventilators or other medical iatrogenesis in April 2020."

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