Monday, May 20, 2024

Desperate Trudeau scaremongers about abortion

Unable to dent a 20-point lead in polls for the opposition Conservatives, Canada's increasingly desperate Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has resorted to the old Liberal Party tactic of scaremongering about abortion.  

Trudeau's abortion shtick reaches new lows | National Post | Chris Selley: 

May 18, 2024 - “'Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Thursday that Canadian conservative leaders are as much of a threat to women’s right to a safe abortion as the rollback of the landmark Roe v. Wade court decision was in the United States,' the Toronto Star reported this week. I was disbelieving..... Having checked the tape, I can report that Trudeau didn’t actually say Canadian conservative leaders were as big a threat to women’s rights as the rescinding of Roe v. Wade. He said they’re a bigger threat.... 

"That’s unhinged. It’s wacko, to borrow a phrase. It’s what Liberals would call a conspiracy theory or misinformation, were it coming from the other side: Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre has vowed that his government will never 'legislate on abortion.' And it’s a bit insulting, surely, to the women in the 14 American states now living with near-total bans on abortion.... What set Trudeau off, by contrast, was the closure of Fredericton’s Clinic 554 earlier this year.... Women now must visit one of three hospitals, two in Moncton and one in Bathurst, where abortion is available on demand and gratis.... That’s the sharp end of Canada’s anti-abortion stick, legally speaking. I humbly submit the two countries’ situations aren’t even remotely comparable....

"If women’s rights are as incomplete and imperilled as you say, Prime Minister, then why not pass legislation codifying them? Two years ago Trudeau briefly even seemed open to the idea of writing something down on paper, though nothing came of it. By rights, demands for codifying abortion rights should only be growing in Canada after Roe v. Wade.... Trudeau’s fight against the forces of darkness, by contrast and as always, still seems to begin and end in front of a microphone."

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Toronto Star, May. 16, 2024

May 18, 2024 - "If we’re talking about abortion, it must be the month of May in Canada. Each May, on the Thursday before Mother’s Day, pro-life activists march to call for an end to abortion and at the same time, Liberals go on a rampage about how only they can protect abortion. 

"This year, trailing badly in the polls, Justin Trudeau is keeping up the pro-abortion rhetoric, warning women that voting for Conservatives will put them at risk. He did that Thursday at a campaign-style stop in New Brunswick.... 'We will keep fighting for women’s rights,' Trudeau said ... as if our Supreme Court had ruled abortion a right, as it once had in the United States. That never happened in Canada, we simply have an absence of a law. But Trudeau loves to import American political issue into Canada while decrying American-style politics....

"[W]hat really has Trudeau riled up about abortion in New Brunswick is that they stopped funding abortion at a private clinic. 'The shutting down of health and reproductive services offered by Clinic 554 for the unwillingness to engage in allowing women to actually choose what happens to their future, their bodies is a disgrace,' Trudeau said. Does anyone else find it odd that Liberals are against private health care delivery if it’s for knee replacement surgery or cataracts but are all in favour of private abortion clinics? Once again, if the Trudeau Liberals didn’t have double standards, they wouldn’t have any at all....

"Here’s the thing about this annual fight over abortion that happens around Mother’s Day, it doesn’t matter, nothing is going to change.... We haven’t had a law on abortion in Canada since the Supreme Court struck down the old one in the Morgentaler decision in 1988. We aren’t likely to get one any time soon, despite the overheated rhetoric from the Liberals about electing a Conservative government.... Even in the Conservative Party there is no appetite to ban abortion, not among the majority. A free vote held in the Commons on a bill to restrict abortion after the sixth month mark wouldn’t even pass.

"All of the posturing, the lecturing, and the social media posts on this issue from the Trudeau Liberals and their allies in the media is simply a sign of their desperation as Liberal poll numbers fall further."

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