Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Carbon tax costing Canadians $20 Billion/year

Carbon tax costing Canadians $20 Billion

Carbon tax will cost $25B in GDP in 2030, Liberals' own data show | National Post | Catherine Levesque:

June 13, 2024 - "The federal carbon tax will have a negative economic impact on Canada’s real gross domestic product (GDP) of $25 billion, or approximately one per cent, in 2030 according to the government’s own internal data it released on Thursday. Those numbers, which were shared with the Parliamentary Budget Officer (PBO) last month on the condition they remain confidential, were published as Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre was about to deliver a speech to call on the government to disclose them publicly. The government had previously said it could not release the data because it could contain sensitive information....

"Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) estimates that the real, or inflation-adjusted, GDP in a scenario without a carbon tax in 2030 would be $2,688 billion. With a carbon tax, that number drops to $2,663, which is a difference of $25 billion. That amounts to a 0.92 per cent reduction in real GDP in 2030."

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BOOM! Trudeau's Carbon Tax Costs Revealed! | Canadian Taxpayers Federation | June 14, 2024:

UPDATED: PBO releases carbon tax data — $20 billion annual hit to Canadian economy | Western Standard | Jen Hodgson:

June 13, 2024 - "The Trudeau Liberals after weeks of evasion finally released carbon tax data Thursday morning. The ever-increasing tax has made a $20 billion-a-year dent in the Canadian economy.It results in an additional annual cost of $1,200 per family every year, to continue increasing. By 2030 it will cost Canadians $30.5 billion annually. The Official Opposition is now calling for the resignation of Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault.

"'We just learned moments ago that this country has been keeping a $20 billion secret, said Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre in the House of Commons. 

The Parliamentary Budget Officer (PBO) revealed that there was a report the government had been covering up, and had gagged him from releasing, about the actual cost to Canadians. Now, the pressure that is weighing heavily on Liberal MPs, the government has finally relented, and released part of the information. It had to be pulled out like a rotten tooth! And rotten it is, $20 billion per year, in lost GDP as a result of the carbon tax. That works out to $1,200 per family in extra annual costs for Canadians.

"Guilbeault 'must resign over (his) $30 Billion carbon tax coverup,' the Conservatives wrote in a statement Thursday after figures were released. He has 'been caught in a lie.

For years, he has told Canadians that the carbon tax was somehow making them richer, while hiding a secret internal report that proved that Trudeau’s carbon tax will cost Canadians $30.5 billion each year, nearly $2,000 per Canadian family, by 2030. As a direct consequence of Trudeau’s carbon tax, life has become unaffordable. Families will have to pay $700 more for groceries this year, while millions of Canadians are lining up outside of food banks. In Toronto, one in ten people are having to rely on food banks to survive.  

Guilbeault and the Liberal Government have been lying to Canadians and hiding this inconvenient truth.... He must resign, and if he won’t then Justin Trudeau must fire him and start telling Canadians the truth.

"Franco Terrazzano, director of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation, told the Western Standard the Trudeau Liberals’ carbon tax is costing Canadians an excessive amount of money and it needs to stop. ''The government’s own data confirms the carbon tax will cost Canada big time,' said Terrazzano.... 'The feds must scrap the carbon tax now.'”

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1 comment:

  1. Darcy Neal DonnellyJuly 5, 2024 at 3:05 PM

    The government has no choice but to TAX every dollar it will take to satisfy the growing interest obligation to Bank of Canada. The central banks govern the governments. Private competitive monies must be liberated from the banking cartel in order to terminate growing taxes.


