Thursday, October 10, 2024

Majority opposes Trudeau's EV mandate

An Ipsos survey finds that a majority of Canadians oppose the Trudeau government's plan to ban the sale of new non-electric vehicles,  while two-thirds say that its 2035 deadline is unrealistic. 

Poll finds most Canadians oppose feds’ plan to ban conventional vehicle sales | Western Standard | Jonathan Bradley:

October 5, 2024 - "More than half of Canadians are against the federal government’s proposal to force all new vehicles sold in Canada be electric by 2035, according to a poll conducted by Ipsos on behalf of the Montreal Economic Institute (MEI).... Ipsos found 55% of Canadians disagree with the federal government’s decision to ban the sale of conventional vehicles by 2035. In every region surveyed, it said a larger number of respondents were against the ban than in favour of it.

"Among Canadians who do not own an EV, fewer than one-quarter said their next vehicle would be electric. Key reasons cited for this lukewarm attitude included the high cost of EVs (70%), the lack of charging infrastructure (66%), and their reduced performance in Canada’s cold climate (64%). 

"Across Canada, Ipsos said 26% of Canadians believe the federal government’s plan to ban the sale of conventional vehicles is realistic. Meanwhile, it said two-thirds maintain the plan is unrealistic....

"It [also] found Canadians were troubled by the effects federal legislation has caused in stalling or cancelling energy projects. Additionally, it said seven-tenths were concerned by the negative impact on Canadian jobs arising from the cancellation of tens of billions of dollars in energy projects due to regulatory hurdles. Seventy-six percent said the Canadian government’s environmental impact assessment process takes too long. Nine percent had the opposite view."

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Trudeau's EV mandate will break the bank | Western Standard | Kris Sims:

August 1, 2024 = "Trudeau’s forced EV mandate will cost a shocking amount of money for taxpayers, and Canada doesn’t have the juice to power these electric vehicles. And, this plan is a non-starter for two key reasons:

"First, let’s look at the costs. Various levels of government have pledged about $57 billion to car companies that are pledging to make EVs, including billions for Volkswagen and Honda. That’s the corporate welfare cost, with governments pouring taxpayers’ money onto the boardroom tables in Berlin and Tokyo.

"Then there’s the sticker price on the EVs in the lots.... The cheapest new electric car in Canada sells for about $41,000, with a vehicle like a Nissan Leaf eligible for a $5,000 rebate from the feds. Last year, Canadians bought about 1.7 million new vehicles.... If those vehicles were all EVs, the cost of the rebates would be about $8 billion. With the cheapest new gasoline-powered sedan selling for about $21,000, and with no rebate costs to taxpayers, there’s a big price difference for both the person buying the car and taxpayers.

"What about power bills? The average Canadian home uses about 10,861 kWh in electricity per year. The average electric car uses about 4,310 kWh of energy per year, according to EVBox, a company that produces electric vehicle chargers. The average family’s electricity use would jump by about 40 per cent if they had one EV and charged it at home. 

"Where is the electricity for these EVs coming from? Calculations done in British Columbia show if everyone switched to an electric car in B.C., the province would need about nine new Site C Dams.... Creating nine new Site C Dams tomorrow would cost about $144 billion.... Alberta is home to about three million vehicles, and if they were all electric, that ... province would require about three nuclear plants to charge those vehicles. Who’s paying that tab? Taxpayers? Folks opening their power bills?... Today, record numbers of working families across Canada are visiting food banks and about half of Canadians are within $200 every month of not being able to make the minimum payments on their bills. They can’t afford higher power bills."

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