Saturday, December 24, 2011

Only Romney and Paul qualify for Virginia GOP primary ballot

Gingrich Perry Virginia | Romney Paul Virginia | Virginia Republicans | Mediaite:

"Newt Gingrich and Rick Perry will not be on the ballot when Virginia Republican voters go to cast their vote for their party’s nominee, meaning the primary in that state will boil down to a contest between Mitt Romney and Ron Paul....

"Gingrich actively pursued getting on the ballot in Virginia, claiming to have reached the 10,000 signature threshold to qualify. Perry’s campaign claimed they had reached it as well, but after state party officials went through all the signatures to validate them, neither candidate ended up qualifying.

"'After verification, RPV has determined that Newt Gingrich did not submit required 10k signatures and has not qualified for the VA primary,' the party announced on Twitter.

"The state certified that both Romney and Paul had enough votes to get on the ballot, but as for the rest of the candidates, Michele Bachmann, Jon Huntsman, and Rick Santorum failed to qualify as well, not garnering enough signatures to appear on the ballot."

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