Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Evil Kochs fund free economics/ethics textbook

Koch Brothers Pushing Garbage Libertarian “Textbook” On Poor Schools - The Ring of Fire Network - Faron Cousins:

March 2, 2019 - "Ethics, economy and entrepreneurship is the name of a textbook that ... I’ve never heard of ...  which is not accredited. There’s no bibliography, there’s no footnotes, there’s no sources listed in any of it, but this is a textbook nonetheless that is being pushed on poor school districts, particularly right now in Arizona by the Koch brothers and their affiliated networks. And here’s the thing about this textbook. It is filled with lies and libertarian economic principles, which also happened to be lies by the way. Um, this book is being given out to ... school districts for high school students for free. And here’s how this little scam works....

"In several areas of Arizona, the Koch brothers starting in 2009 began lobbying to cut funding for their school districts. And the Koch brothers somehow prevailed. People hopped on board and said, hell yeah, we don’t need money for schools. So then you end up with cash strapped schools that can’t afford textbooks. So then the Koch brothers and their networks and their little members ... came forward and said, we’ve got a free textbook for you, use this and you won’t have to spend any money....

"This book ... is pure nonsense. It’s pure insanity. And it is funded by groups associated with the Koch brothers. And they laid the framework in the state of Arizona to force this textbook on to students. And this is what the Koch brothers have been trying to do all over the country, not just in high schools, but also at colleges. Koch brothers have been buying up influence at colleges, school boards all across the country to push their braindead libertarian principles. Libertarianism, much like communism doesn’t work in practice, just like trickle down economics....

"We have seen what corporations do when left to their own devices with no regulation whatsoever ... disaster for American consumers. Yet that is what the Koch brothers want every one of us to engage in. And the poorer you are, the more likely they think you are to buy into their backwards libertarian principles that everybody is just a millionaire waiting to happen. All you gotta do is start a small business. Oh, and by the way, while you’re [at it], kill the federal government too."

Read more: https://trofire.com/2019/03/02/koch-brothers-pushing-garbage-libertarian-textbook-on-poor-schools/
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