Saturday, September 28, 2024

Bill C-293 gives unchecked pandemic powers to public health bureaucracies

A private members' bill by Toronto backbencher Nathan Erskine-Smith has passed through Canada's House of Commons with next to no media attention, and is now before the Senate. The bill grants Public Health authorities the power to make law under the guise of pandemic prevention and to make their own agreements with the World Health Association, bypassing Parliament, legislatures, and courts.    

Dr. Sylvain Charlebois, Is Bill C-293 Canada's 'Vegan Act'? Toronto Sun, Sept. 25, 2024

9-11! Stop Bill C-293 | OneClickPolitics (news release):

"C-293, the Pandemic Prevention and Preparedness Act, grants Public Health the power to govern Canadians under the guise of pandemic 'prevention.' The Act engages all levels of government and Indigenous communities. It grants omnipotent power to change land use, government foods you can eat and even create a-controlled economy to reduce any 'risk,' not further defined, of a Pandemic, not further defined. No term is defined within this Bill, handing dangerously overbroad powers to Public Health.

"This Bill allows the World Health Organization (WHO) to make agreements with Public Health directly, attempting to eliminate jurisdiction of the courts and the constitution. It allows Public Health control over communications infrastructure, instituting interlinking surveillance. 

"Once enacted, C-293 imposes mandatory medical treatments, explicitly controls your personal autonomy, affecting your freedom of movement and privacy, can expropriate farms and other property and relocate rural and urban dwellers (to 15 minute cities), for absurd reasons like 'deforestation increases the risk of pandemics.' Even with the absurd grants of power C-293 still gives more powers 'as appropriate,' not further defined.

"C-293 alters everything we now know about Canada. There is a serious concern that this Bill alone will change forever how Canada is governed. No other bill represents such a clear threat to Canada and the rule of law given the complete absence of definitions of terms coupled with its comprehensive overreach into every aspect of life.

"This Bill is on the cusp of being enacted. It has been passed by the House and has had first reading in the Senate. To prevent this dangerous Bill from becoming Canadian law, please take the following actions.

"Provincial MLAs and Premieres should have an immediate legal review of the broad jurisdictional assaults of this Federal Bill in order to preemptively go to Court to stop the operation of Bill C-293. They are not protecting our rights in our province when a Federal Bill has totalitarian reach into their Constitutional authority.

"Use the Action item on this page to send your letter to your MP, Senators, MLA,  Governor General. Share this link 

as widely as possible to mobilize your entire Circle of Influence.... Copy the action letter and send to your Mayor and Councilors."

For more information: 

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