Tuesday, September 24, 2024

United Nations adopts Pact for the Future

On September 22, the United Nations (UN) General Assembly voted to adopt the Pact for the Future, which aims to "transform global governance" by turning the UN into a vastly more powerful "UN 2.0".

UN Secretary-General António Guterres addresses opening of the Summit of the Future.. UN Photo/Loey Felipe.

New UN “Pact for the Future” Turbocharges Globalism | New American | Alex Newman:

September 23, 2024 - "Governments and dictators from around the world gathered in New York and adopted a sprawling agreement to expand and further empower the United Nations. The controversial declaration approved by the UN General Assembly, known as the 'Pact for the Future,' is seen by the UN and its member governments as a great leap forward for the cause of globalism.... [T]he UN is becoming 'UN 2.0,' as top leaders of the organization put it. However, in the United States, at least, lawmakers, governors, and grassroots leaders are growing increasingly restless about what they perceive as a historic power grab.... 

"According to UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, former leader of the world’s preeminent alliance of socialist and communist political parties, the UN Summit of the Future represents 'an essential first step towards making global institutions more legitimate, effective, and fit for the world of today and tomorrow.... We can’t create a future fit for our grandchildren with systems built for our grandparents,' continued Guterres, a line that was printed out on giant signs throughout UN headquarters.... 'We recognize that the multilateral system and its institutions, with the United Nations and its Charter at the center, must be strengthened to keep pace with a changing world,' reads the Pact for the Future.... 'We renew our commitment to multilateralism and international cooperation,' the Pact adds. 'We will transform global governance and strengthen the multilateral system'....

"The term 'global governance,' often used as a less-ominous placeholder for global government, is mentioned repeatedly throughout the document, always as something positive to be advanced. Under the heading 'transforming global governance,' for instance, the pact calls for a dramatic expansion of these mechanisms for governing all of humanity.... One of the institutions that received a shoutout is the would-be global Supreme Court known as the 'International Court of Justice,' often ridiculed by critics as a 'kangaroo court'. 'We will fulfil our obligation to comply with the decisions and uphold the mandate of the International Court of Justice,' the Pact states.

"Another area where the UN hopes to expand its power is on taxation, vowing to 'explore options' for 'international cooperation' on taxes and in particular, on taxing 'high net worth' individuals. 'We are committed to strengthening the inclusiveness and effectiveness of tax cooperation at the United Nations,' the UN deal explains, one of many efforts to eventually implement global taxation....

"One of the major tools to help the UN 'renew' trust in globalism is controlling information, as the pact makes clear. It calls on governments to 'address' so-called 'disinformation, misinformation, hate speech and content inciting harm, including content disseminated through digital platforms'.... It is not just restricting information.... A confidential memo sent to communications executives across the UN system earlier this year and obtained by The New American magazine included provisions on how to propagandize humanity on the Summit of the Future and its agenda. 'The Summit of the Future is a pivotal moment on our agenda,' the memo said, adding that the UN Department of Global Communications 'wants to make sure we take the media with us – starting with briefs on specific parts of the agenda.' One way the UN has done that is by partnering with Google to hide information contrary to its narratives, especially on issues such as climate....

"One of the major power grabs in the final agreement inked this weekend involves the UN response to what it describes as 'complex global shocks.' These could be anything from 'climate' issues or economic problems to environmental crises or even unpredictable “black swan” events. Under a proposal outlined in a policy brief dubbed 'Our Common Future' released by UN boss Guterres last year, Guterres himself would essentially become a global dictator to deal with real or imagined international emergencies, declared at his discretion. The proposal called for nations, business, and all sectors of society to recognize the 'primary role of intergovernmental organs [such as U.N. agencies] in decision-making.' While the final agreement this week did not contain everything he asked for, it did provide a 'mandate' from member states for Guterres to pursue the agenda vigorously.... 

"UN Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a recipe for global tyranny adopted in 2015 as the 'master plan for humanity,' was a focal point of the new deal. 'We reaffirm our enduring commitment to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its Sustainable Development Goals,' the new agreement states, vowing to 'urgently accelerate' its implementation with “concrete political steps” and more tax money. As part of that, the UN claims it needs virtually limitless amounts of power and money to do everything from 'eradicate poverty' and 'eliminate food insecurity' to deal with alleged man-made 'climate change' and reduce 'inequality' both 'within' and 'among' countries".... 

"Already, more than half of U.S. governors have publicly pledged to resist UN dictates in their respective states. Meanwhile, for the first time, Congress currently has bills to end U.S. involvement in the UN in both houses of Congress: House Bill 6645 and Senate Bill 3428, both labeled the 'DEFUND Act.' There has been virtually no coverage of the UN summit or the pact from the establishment media in the United States — and that is no doubt by design. If and when Americans learn what the UN is up to, Congress would be compelled by a public outcry to stop funding it all at the very least."

Read more: https://thenewamerican.com/world-news/un/new-un-pact-for-the-future-turbocharges-globalism/

Read UN news release:  https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/09/1154581

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