Saturday, February 18, 2012

Gary Johnson Is Winning Over the Libertarian Party, But Can He Win Over The Rest of America? - Reason Magazine

Gary Johnson Is Winning Over the Libertarian Party, But Can He Win Over The Rest of America? - Reason Magazine - Mike Riggs:

February 17, 2012 - "The former two-term governor of New Mexico, an experienced coalition-builder, is having a hard time coralling people who lean libertarian, but aren't quite.

"Take, for instance, his appeals to marijuana voters.... Johnson has 'done so many events with marijuana. So many marijuana events. Basically, nothing comes out of it other than for an enthusiasm for what I say. No money comes out of it.'

"That’s not to say that marijuana policy reform advocates are broke, or cheap.... But what weed money there is, isn’t flowing to Johnson. So he’s going back to the basics: Cutting the size of government. But even that can prove difficult. In a 2012 election in which Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) is promising to cut spending by $1 trillion, Johnson is still searching for a way to earn media attention....

"Reducing the size and scope of government is not a new mantra for Johnson. He vetoed bills with abandon while governor and left New Mexico with a budget surplus. His struggle to get traction at the national level occasionally makes him wonder what’s changed."

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