Saturday, October 13, 2012

In Nevada, Johnson Is Pulling Voters From Obama Camp -

In Nevada, Johnson Is Pulling Voters From Obama Camp - - Terri Harel:

October 13, 2012 - "Politico recently reported that Governor Gary Johnson could actually be drawing a statistically significant amount of support from the major parties.... [In] at least one state, Nevada, Johnson is pulling voters from the Obama camp.  Other news sources, such as CNN’s PoliticalTicker are saying that he hurts the GOP more than the Democrats, overall."

"[Politico] adds this discrepancy in influence could come from geographic location: 'It’s plausible that Johnson could lower support for Obama — especially out west. For example, Johnson — the only pro-pot candidate on the ballot — is running along side as a marijuana legalization initiative in libertarian-leaning Colorado — a state that is definitely in play.' The Tucson Citizen echos this concern, citing Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, and New Mexico as states that could see effects at the polls.

"Gary Johnson recently put out a new [advertisment] calling on 'everyone with a vote and an axe to grind,' including Tea Partiers, Constitutionalists, Greens, Democrats, and Republicans, to 'end the two party system.'"

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