Sunday, April 26, 2015

5 top libertarian-themed video games

Top 10 Libertarian Video Games - Ryan Carillo, The Libertarian Republic:

"Video games are a multi-billion dollar industry. The games of today are nothing like the games of old. Today’s games are often designed for adult audiences and come rife with complex themes, characters, politics, and mechanics.  Many games today are open world, meaning that the player has much greater control over how to play the game....

"The following list are what I believe to be the best games with libertarian themes in them....

"Fallout 3 is a role-playing game set in the post-apocalyptic world of future Washington D.C., known as the Capitol Wasteland.... Fallout is packed with libertarian themes and ideas.  The “bad guys” are those who use force to coerce the remaining survivors.  There are no governments to speak of, only loosely associated groups of people who came together voluntarily to survive, with the only exceptions being the enemies trying to re-establish a state through force....

"Bioshock is a first person shooter game with elements of role-playing.... The Chicago Sun-Times reviewed the game saying 'I never once thought anyone would be able to create an engaging and entertaining video game around the fiction and philosophy of Ayn Rand, but that is essentially what 2K Games has done … the rare, mature video game that succeeds in making you think while you play'.

"Red Dead Redemption is an open world Western.  This game is one of the most anti-government pieces of entertainment you can play.  It’s a character driven story, where you play as John Marston, a former outlaw forced to work for the U.S. government because they’ve kidnapped his family....

"Final Fantasy 6 ... is a role-playing game where you play as multiple different characters at once.  You begin the game as a mind-controlled slave, working for an evil, imperialistic empire.  You are eventually freed by a resistance group and begin a journey to discover who you are.  As the game progresses you meet other characters that join you in your fight against the tyrannical government. ....

"Metal Gear Solid 4 is a tactical espionage game.... The theme ... is the individual versus the collective.  In MGS 4 the world is gripped by the wartime economy.  The economies of countries are based on always being at war.... Needless to say, your job as the main character is to end this horrible dystopian system through the power of individualism."

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