Sunday, August 4, 2024

Coutts protesters not guilty of murder conspiracy

A jury has acquitted Chris Carbert and Anthony Olienick of conspiracy to murder RCMP officers at the 2022 border blockade in Coutts, Alberta, but convicted them of lesser weapons and mischief charges.

NOT GUILTY! Jury acquits Coutts border blockaders of conspiracy to commit murder | Rebel News | Ezra Levant: 

August 02, 2024 - "Chris Carbert and Tony Olienick had been accused of conspiracy to commit murder against RCMP officers at the 2022 trucker convoy blockade at the Alberta-Montana border crossing in Coutts, Alberta. Both men were denied bail and have spent almost two and a half years in prison awaiting trial.

"Carbert and Olienick were two of the so-called Coutts Four who all faced related charges. The two other men, Chris Lysak and Jerry Morin, accepted a plea bargain from prosecutors, agreeing to plead guilty to minor firearms charges in return for time served.

"The arrest of the Coutts Four was a spectacular and theatrical event, with the RCMP creating a dramatic display of seized firearms, purportedly belonging to the arrested men. Justin Trudeau immediately invoked the Emergencies Act, declaring a form of martial law, citing the Coutts arrests as his pretext. The use of that law was later found to be unconstitutional by [a] Federal Court.

"The Lethbridge jury did find Carbert and Olienick guilty of relatively minor offences, including possession of a firearm for a dangerous purpose and mischief over $5,000. Olienick was also found guilty of possessing an explosive device, which he had argued was for industrial purposes. Given the lengthy time spent in custody, it is unlikely that the men will serve any more time serving a sentence."
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Coutts defendants found NOT GUILTY of conspiracy to murder, guilty of other charges | Rebel News | August 3, 2024:

The Coutts Trial Verdict: A Silence That Speaks Volumes | The Canadian Muse | Gather 2030, Substack: 

August 03, 2024 - "On August 2, Tony Olienick and Chris Carbert were acquitted of the serious charge of conspiracy to commit murder, but were found guilty of several other charges, including weapons possession and mischief. This verdict, particularly in the context of political dissent and civil liberties, merits a broader conversation.... The silence from major media sources raises important questions about the role of journalism in a democratic society. 

"The Coutts trial highlights significant issues regarding government authority, the right to protest, and the implications of the Emergency Act. These are not merely legal matters; they touch upon the fundamental rights of Canadians and the very fabric of democracy....  They symbolize a moment of reckoning for how dissent is perceived and managed in Canada. 

"The lack of media coverage risks marginalizing these critical discussions, leaving many Canadians unaware of the potential consequences for their own rights and freedoms. In a democracy, silence can be as powerful as speech. The absence of coverage around the Coutts trial serves as a reminder of the responsibility that both the media and citizens share in holding power to account.... 

"The Coutts trial is more than just a legal proceeding; it is a reflection of the ongoing struggle for justice and the protection of civil liberties. As the nation processes the implications of this verdict, the call for a more robust dialogue around these issues is louder than ever. It is time for all voices to be heard, and for the media to play its crucial role in fostering an informed and engaged citizenry."
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