Friday, August 9, 2024

Telegraph-Journal welcomes Libertarians to NB

In an editorial, the Saint John Telegraph-Journal has welcomed the formation of a Libertarian Party in New Brunswick. 

Editorial: Libertarian ideas welcome in N.B. debates | Saint John Telegraph-Journal:

August 8, 2024 - "We were surprised but encouraged to learn a small group of New Brunswickers have founded a local branch of the Libertarian party – committed to ideas such as free markets, smaller government and personal liberty. That’s not to say we endorse the Libertarians for office. Indeed, there is little likelihood ... the new party will come close to earning any seats in the provincial legislature in this fall’s election.

Still, theirs is a point of view that’s a welcome addition to a healthy mix of public policy perspectives. Too often, the sheer size of government and the depth of its involvement in the economy is taken for granted.... We’re under no illusion government is about to take a gigantic retreat – especially with a federal regime that actively pushes the provinces toward more tax-funded projects. But it’s worth more asking ourselves, constantly, whether we ought to be so reliant on government spending and other policy initiatives to solve problems.

"It’s also a necessary balance on the political right. Under Blaine Higgs, the Progressive Conservatives have become more socially conservative. That’s a legitimate point of view, but not one all right-of-centre voters are eager to support. 

"The Libertarians are by no means right about everything. But they have a coherent worldview that deserves a voice in our debates. Let’s hope they rise to the challenge."

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