Saturday, March 12, 2016

3 Libertarian POTUS candidates in Fox forum (videos)

What You Need To Know For The Upcoming Libertarian Party Forum | - Elias J. Atienza:

March 9, 2016 - "April 1 will be a historic day for the Libertarian Party.

"The first Libertarian Party forum will air live on national television. Three candidates were invited... Each of them brings unique attributes to the forum.

Gary Johnson
"Johnson ... was the Libertarian Party nominee in 2012, getting 1 million votes or close to 1 percent of the total vote....  As the two-term governor of New Mexico, he was able to cut taxes, strongly advocated for marijuana legalization, and vetoed countless bills. Johnson is the former CEO of Cannabis Sativa, which sells marijuana products in states where it is legal.... His positions include replacing the U.S taxation system with one tax, called a consumption tax or a Fair Tax, ending the war on drugs, and reforming the immigration system to make legal immigration easier.

John McAfee
"McAfee is the most eccentric of the three candidates. McAfee is the founder of McAfee Anti-Virus Software, though he left the company over 15 years ago.... His main issue is cybersecurity. He garnered media attention when he claimed that he could hack into the iPhone of the San Bernardino terrorist.... He’s been on Apple’s side the entire time.... He’s appeared on CNBC, CNN, and has been featured heavily in Business Insider ... specifically for his defense of Apple.

Austin Petersen
"Petersen ... famous for rejecting the Non-Aggression Principle ... is the founder of The Libertarian Republic, the second-most popular libertarian news site.... He ... is pro-life. However, he doesn’t advocate for abortion to be outlawed. He also advocates for a flat tax instead of the fair tax. He also has made reaching out to disaffected conservatives and independents a major part of his campaign; a big tent party like the Democrats and Republicans.

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